“UEFA Targets Record Fans for Women’s Euro 2025”,Tickets for the women’s Euro 2025 in Switzerland will go on sale from Oct. 1, with Europe’s football governing body UEFA hoping to surpass the record of nearly 574,000 fans who attended games at the previous tournament in England.
In line with the boom in popularity of women’s football, 720,000 tickets will be on sale ranging from 20-40 Swiss francs ($22-44) for the 16-team tournament across eight venues from July 2-27 next year.
A ticket launch event is planned on one of Switzerland’s best-known mountain peaks, the Jungfraujoch.
“This location perfectly highlights the tournament’s narrative, ‘The Summit of Emotions’, evoking the pinnacle of European competitive sport, while paying tribute to Switzerland’s stunning mountain landscape,” UEFA said in a statement.
With environmental concerns now high on the agenda at major sporting events, Euro 2025 ticket holders will be offered free public transport to games around Switzerland.
“We anticipate an outstanding tournament that will create a lasting legacy in Switzerland and beyond, with fans coming to enjoy another wonderful celebration of football,” UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin said.
Hosts England won the last Euros in 2022, beating Germany in the final at Wembley Stadium.
That tournament, postponed by a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, had a global cumulative live viewership of 365 million and a record crowd of 87,192 at the final.
The 2025 final will be at the 37,500-capacity St. Jakob-Park in Basel.