TOKYO: “Shigekix Anticipates Familiar Foes for Gold in Paris”,Top Japanese breakdancer Shigekix stated on Monday that he will be closely watching competitors from the United States and Canada as 16 B-Boys compete for the first-ever Olympic title in breaking at the Paris Games next month. Shigekix emphasized the competition’s significance as breaking makes its debut on the Olympic stage.
Shigeyuki Nakarai, who goes by the name Shigekix, singled out Victor Montalvo, or B-Boy Victor, and Canada’s Phil Wizard as the two to watch at the competition on Aug. 10 that will decide the sport’s first Olympic champion.
“We’ve competed countless times, over and over again, trading places on the podium,” the 22-year-old said at a press event in Tokyo.
“These two are truly top-level and I’ve battled with them repeatedly and had them leave me with bitter results while at times I did the same to them. They’re the ones that have left the deepest impression on me.”
At the World Breaking Championships in September, Shigekix finished in third place behind Victor and Phil Wizard, whose real name is Philip Kim.
“I felt like I was improving my skills little by little and gaining experience, so even though it was a rough schedule, I felt very positive,” he said, reflecting on his journey.
“Over the past year, I challenged myself over and over to see how far I can grow. It was a surprisingly enjoyable year for me.”
In more good news for him, Shigekix was named Team Japan’s flagbearer on Monday along with fencing’s Misaki Emura – a decision he interpreted as another recognition of breaking’s arrival as a major sport.