“KUALA LUMPUR: “Malaysian Footballer Recovering After Acid Attack Surgery”,A prominent Malaysian footballer shows positive response post a three-hour skin allograft surgery, as confirmed by a sports official on Friday (May 10). The surgery follows an acid attack that resulted in the player’s hospitalization in intensive care, sparking nationwide shock.”
“The recent acid attack on Selangor FC and Malaysia winger Faisal Halim at a shopping mall outside Kuala Lumpur has cast a shadow over the scheduled kick-off of the country’s football season this weekend. This incident adds to a string of violent episodes involving players, raising concerns about player safety and security.”
But Faisal was “responding well to the procedure” that transplants skin tissue sourced from another human, Shahril Mokhtar, deputy president of the Selangor Football Association, told AFP.
“Faisal had a three-hour skin allograft surgery in various burnt areas of his body last night,” Shahril said after meeting Faisal on Friday morning.
“But the next few days will be critical days because doctors have to monitor the reaction of the reconstructive surgery.”
“He will continue to receive intensive care and is scheduled for one more allograft surgery,” Shahril stated. “A skin patch, flown in from Belgium, will be utilized for the procedure.”
“In a separate incident on Tuesday, former Malaysia skipper Safiq Rahim, currently with JDT, narrowly escaped harm when he was threatened with a hammer by two assailants who smashed his car windscreen.”Police have lifted fingerprints of a suspect from the mall and were analysing them to help the search, local media reported on Thursday.