Scott Hansen: Empowering Business Owners to Achieve Unprecedented Growth 

scott hansen sh consulting

Scott Hansen, the founder of SH Consulting, has dedicated his career to helping business owners double their revenues and increase the value of their businesses. Over the past decade, Scott has guided his clients in generating over $300 million in revenue while also helping them reclaim valuable time in their lives. His journey from sales to becoming a renowned business strategist and coach is a testament to his passion and commitment to empowering entrepreneurs. 

A Journey Fueled by Passion 

Scott’s transition into coaching was sparked by a friend’s suggestion. “I was in sales at various media companies for 17 years, and although I was successful, I wasn’t fulfilled,” Scott recalls. “When a buddy of mine asked if I’d like to get certified as a coach, speaker, and trainer, I immediately said yes. That was 10 years ago in 2014. Since then, I’ve helped my business owner clients grow revenues upwards of $300 million while also getting more time freedom back in their lives.” 

Overcoming Challenges with Support and Growth 

Every entrepreneurial journey has its challenges, and Scott’s was no different. I had a mild heart attack in 2021.  I had a total of (7) stents put in.  I ate healthy and worked out on a weekly basis.  The blockage in my arteries were the result of heart disease with my family’s history. It was the ultimate wake up call for me.  It gave me a new perspective on life and just how grateful I am to have the life I have.  You could either use your adversity as a setback, or a set up for great things to come. “Also, I have an amazing wife that was behind me 100%. This was incredibly important. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today,” he emphasizes. Scott believes in the power of surrounding oneself with successful people and continually feeding the mind with uplifting, educational, and motivational content. “Being a student of personal development is one of the cornerstones to growth, both professionally and personally,” he adds. 

The 4 M’s of Business Growth 

Scott’s coaching program is built around the 4 M’s of Business Growth: Money, Marketing, Methodology, and Mindset. “In order to be successful, you have to have a blueprint,” he explains. 

Money: “Knowing your numbers is vital. I always say, ‘money is like a beautiful woman. If you ignore her, she won’t be around for long.’”Paying attention to your scoreboard is vital to the growth of your business. If you’re not checking your revenues, profits and cash flow on a weekly basis, you’re guessing your way through the business. 

Marketing: “Getting eyeballs on your business is crucial. If nobody knows about your business, you won’t stay open for long.” Marketing is the engine; whether it’s paid ads, organic search, or personal reach outs, all business owners need to track how many leads and conversions their business produces every week. 

Methodology: “This is the process in which your business runs. Having a repeatable process that everyone in the company can execute on is key.”  Just like Henry Ford had the assembly line for producing Model T cars, your business needs a process in which you take a lead and turn this lead into a paying client that stays with you for a long time.  Everyone on the team needs to understand who’s responsible for what in the company.  Too many times this gets overlooked and people just assume they know what the other person should be doing on the team.  Having a clearly defined accountability chart allows everyone on the team to know what’s expected of them. 

Mindset: “In business, if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Continuous investment in personal development is essential.” One ‘mindset hack’ that Scott shares with all his clients is how to ‘win the day’.  This starts by having a morning routine.  The first thing most business owners do when they get to their place of business is open their computer and check email.  This is the worst thing you can do.  This is like trying to win the Super Bowl by only playing defence.  You need to train your brain that ‘you control the day; the day doesn’t control you’.  Have you ever gotten up and felt great about your day.  You kissed your family goodbye.  You listened to your favourite song on the way to work.  You feel amazing.  And the first thing you do when you get to work is open your computer.  You open the first email, is it’s someone who’s complaining about your product or service.  Maybe a customer is upset at the level of work your team provided.  You went from being excited about the day, to now you’re in a bad mood.  Here’s one way to avoid feeling this way:  Take 15 minutes each morning and writing down the (3) most important things that need to get done for the day.  Put this piece of paper next to your computer where you can glance at it throughout the day.  Before the day ends, those (3) items need to be crossed off your list.  This small task psychologically puts you in an “offensive frame of mind”.   

Effective Lead Generation and Sales Strategies 

When it comes to lead generation and sales strategies, Scott notes that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Regardless of what methodology your company uses for lead gen or sales strategies, one consistent principle is followed up.  You’ve heard the ‘fortune is in the follow-up’.  This is true; however, most revenue generating positions don’t adhere to this principle. They follow up once or twice and they give up.  Here’s the statistic:  your prospect, on average, needs to hear from you 6 times before they decide to purchase.  If you’re not following up with a prospect at least six times, you’re leaving a fortune on the table.   And in terms of increasing sales, one thing we always talk about with all our clients is the ‘average of large numbers’.  You can only control certain aspects in the sales process.  You can’t control how the buyer is feeling that day.  You can’t control whether they want to buy.  However, what you can control is your effort and activity.  The more prospects you have in the pipeline, the greater success you’ll have in bringing in more sales.  Most revenue responsible individuals only have a few prospects in the pipeline at any one time, and this is a mistake.   

We call it ‘over-seeding the field’.   The more seeds you plant, the greater the opportunity that you’ll harvest more crop.  Same goes for prospecting.  If you only have a few prospects in the pipeline, you’ll come across as needy and desperate.  And the prospect can always sense when the salesperson is needy and desperate.   

Memorable Client Success Stories 

One of Scott’s most memorable client success stories involves a construction company that grew from $2 million to $12 million in revenue over four years. “This client got super niche within their space and started to attract much larger clients. We also helped them with delegation and automation, which made a huge difference,” Scott shares. 

Energetic and Passionate Speaking 

Scott is known for his high-energy and passionate speaking style. “When you speak to a group, it’s important to bring your own personality to the talk. My goal is to bring energy and passion,” he says. Preparation involves ensuring his topic is on-point with the audience and, if possible, interviewing attendees beforehand to tailor his message. 

Impact of Media Features 

Being featured in major media outlets like NBC, ABC, FOX, and Entrepreneur Magazine has significantly impacted Scott’s business and personal brand. “There’s immediate edification when these brands are mentioned. It lends a lot of credibility across the work that I’m doing,” he acknowledges. 

Hosting a Top-Rated Podcast 

Scott’s podcast on iTunes covers various topics relevant to entrepreneurs. “We are always looking to interview top thought leaders in the entrepreneurial space; men and women doing incredible things for their industry and community,” he explains. 

Future Plans and Personal Insights 

Looking ahead, Scott plans to continue making a difference in the lives of business owners and speaking on some of the largest stages in the country. “I want to help and motivate entrepreneurs to grow their companies and have an amazing life,” he says. 

Maintaining high energy and enthusiasm is part of Scott’s daily routine. “Chasing my three-year-old around keeps me young! I also listen to or read personal development content daily. It’s made all the difference in the world,” he reveals. 

Creating a Lasting Legacy 

Scott hopes his legacy will be one of making a massive difference in the lives of many people. “I want to be a great husband and a father that’s present in my daughter’s life every day,” he says. To support business owners further, Scott is offering (10) Business Breakthrough scholarships, which include a 60-minute personal Zoom session and a 20-page roadmap/blueprint on growing their business. 

For those interested, reach out with SCHOLARSHIP to  

Scott Hansen’s dedication to helping business owners achieve unprecedented growth and his commitment to personal development make him a standout figure in the world of business coaching. His story is an inspiration to entrepreneurs everywhere.