Following its record-breaking debut, the 27th Detective Conan film, “Case Closed: The Million-dollar Pentagram,” continued its dominance at the Japanese box office for two consecutive weeks. With the highest weekend revenue collection of 2024 and achieving a franchise-high record, the film has amassed a cumulative collection of 6.5 billion yen and attracted 4.47 million viewers since its premiere on April 12th. This sustained success underscores the enduring popularity of the Detective Conan franchise and the film’s appeal to audiences in Japan.
For the weekend of April 19-21, the Detective Conan film maintained its position at the top of the box office rankings, grossing 1,921 million yen during the three-day period. According to research conducted by Kogyo Tsushinsha, a total of 1,327,000 viewers attended screenings of the film, further solidifying its status as a blockbuster hit. These figures highlight the ongoing popularity and commercial success of the Detective Conan franchise, reaffirming its appeal to audiences in Japan.
The Toho animation project has achieved a significant milestone by entering the ranks of the all-time Japanese box office chart. As of April 21, it holds the 47th position among the Top 100 highest-grossing films of all time in Japan. However, it trails behind the 2022 film “Detective Conan: The Bride of Halloween.” This accomplishment underscores the remarkable success and impact of the Toho animation project, solidifying its place among Japan’s most commercially successful films and further cementing its legacy in the country’s cinematic landscape.
One Piece Chapter 1113 is set to arrive this week, giving fans a much-needed respite after a three-week-long hiatus. Following the release of Chapter 1112 in the previous issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, the anticipation for the next chapter of Eiichiro Oda’s famed manga series is brewing among fans. Here’s what you need to know ahead of the release.